Tricks Insurance Companies Play To Deny Your Case

As part of our awareness campaign, we are pointing out some common tricks insurance companies use to deny your DBA case. Watch out for these signs, if you see any of them, it is time to talk to an experienced lawyer ….

Why Your Claim is Denied

The fact that insurers can make decisions about who can be paid, who can be treated and what tests they are going to have … It’s criminal in my opinion.” Attorney and Founder Alan Garfinkel …

Non-Appropriated Funds Act

Any support staff on a military base for the government, that would be, repairing helicopters, gassing up planes or cooks at the local military base complex cafeteria may be covered under Non Appropriated Funds Act. …

Functional Capacity Evaluation

Functional Capacity Evaluations are usually used by the insurance company to weigh your Lack of Earning Capacity and what you actually physically can do after your injury or when you’re placed on Maximum Medical Improvement …

Hire Garfinkel Schwartz

Hiring a Defense Base Act lawyer is not complicated. To make it easy, we have provided different ways for you to contact us. …

Successful Mediation

The Goal of Mediation is a Settlement and we’re going to get close to something and hopefully get this case resolved instead of going to a judge in the future. And we have all day so we’ll see if it works …

Beware Tricks Insurers Use To Deny Claims

First, they try to deny the claim. That’s the first thing that they’re always going to try to do is deny the claim. They do that in various different ways. Let’s talk about the tactics they use …

DBA Legal Services

Fighting with your DBA insurance company alone is not something wise to do. In order to successfully execute the case and get the best possible compensation, you need to know the law and have all the facts ….